Author: GeriatricCounselling
Understanding Geriatric Issues, Challenges faced by the Elderly
Understanding Geriatric Issues and the Challenges Faced by the Elderly As we age, our bodies and minds go through many changes. Geriatric issues encompass the wide range of physical, mental, emotional, and social challenges uniquely faced by the elderly. Understanding these concerns is key for properly caring for our aging population. Some common geriatric issues…
What is the role of Counsellor in the elderly?
What is the role of Counsellor in the elderly? The Role of Counselors in Caring for the Elderly As people get older, they often face many challenges that can impact their mental health and wellbeing. Loss of loved ones, declining health, reduced mobility, financial concerns, and social isolation are just some of the issues the…
Benefits of Geriatric Mental Health Counseling
Benefits of Geriatric Mental Health Counseling As we age, both our physical and mental health face new challenges that can be difficult to navigate alone. Geriatric mental health counseling provides critical support for seniors by helping them process emotions, cope with life changes, overcome unhealthy behaviors, and more. This type of counseling offers numerous benefits…
How Talking Therapy Can Help Older People’s Mental Health
How Talking Therapy Can Help Older People’s Mental Health Many older adults struggle with untreated mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Talking therapy provides effective help, but older people face barriers accessing services. Raising awareness and making services age-friendly improves outcomes. Talking therapy strengthens coping skills and empowers seniors to enjoy life more fully.…
Mental Health Help for Seniors
Mental Health Help for Seniors As we age, there are often increased risks for developing depression, anxiety, grief, and other emotional struggles. However, mental health issues are not a normal part of aging. There are many effective treatment options tailored for seniors. Discussing the pros and cons with a doctor or geriatric counselor can help…
What to do if you’re worried about someone
What to Do If You’re Worried About Someone Seeing a loved one struggle as they age can be deeply concerning. You may notice changes in their personality, behavior, or ability to care for themselves. Addressing these issues isn’t always easy. Fear of offending them or acknowledging their declining health may hold you back from having…